How to reduce headache pain: All You Need to Know

How to reduce headache pain: All You Need to Know

Headache has become a common phenomenon for almost everyone in today's busy lifestyle. At times, they may be because of some medical conditions, but that’s not always the case. Many times, the headache is likely to be caused by stress, dehydration, and lack of sleep. Thankfully, you can relieve headache pain using the right remedies.

While there are multitudes of ways to reduce headache pain like Hot & cold therapy packs, aromatherapy, and many more, it's not limited to these. In this article, we’re going to drive you through a comprehensive guide that consists of a detailed analysis of remedies to treat headache pain with ease.

Let’s explore!

What Can Cause Headaches?

There can be a wide range of causes responsible for headaches. Before you move to find the treatment to relieve a headache, you should find out the causes for the same, so that the remedy should be appropriate. The following may be the cause of your headache:

  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Brain bleeding
  • Brain tumors
  • Excessive blood pressure
  • Fever
  • Foods, for instance, chocolates, or certain types of cheeses
  • Lacking sleep
  • Muscle tension caused by stress, anxiety, or depression
  • Meningitis
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)


How To Stop Headache Immediately?

Now that you know the causes of headaches, let’s know the remedies to relieve headache pain with optimal ease!

Hot & Cold Therapy

When it comes to headaches, the hot & cold therapy packs may prove to be an effective solution. The therapy targets the different causes of the pain and alleviates headaches. Hot therapy, for instance, heating pads, or warm compresses, relaxes tense muscles and streamlines blood flow which is effective for relieving headaches and sinus pressure.

Cold therapy, on the other hand, like ice packs, narrows blood vessels and lessens inflammation, leading to mitigated migration and headaches. Using cold therapy on the forehead and neck numbs the pain timelessly.
Furthermore, altering between hot and cold therapy provides additional relief. It does so by balancing the effects and addressing many headache triggers at the same time.


Aromatherapy happens to be the study of how a certain kind of smell can help trigger positive and healing responses in the brain. The therapy can be an excellent alternative to relieve a headache. There are some smells that are capable of soothing and mitigating the incidence of headaches. These smells involve eucalyptus, peppermint extract, and lavender oil. The Aromatherapy accessories are available at local health food storage you can buy these online with ease and convenience.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are likely to be an excellent option when it comes to relieving headache pain. Tension-related headaches, at times, can be relieved with consistent breathing exercises. It helps you focus your mind and ease the muscles.

For that, try to find a quiet place in your home, and take a comfortable chair ensuring there’s no chance of distraction there. Then, take slow, rhythmic breaths. Inhel for around 5 seconds, and then, exhale for the same amount of time. It will relax you, and your muscle tightness will start lessening.

Apart from that, you can try a progressive relaxation technique that involves focusing on major muscle groups in the body. Get started from your toes and continue working your way up.


Acupuncture is another one of the ways through which you can relieve headache pain. It includes applying fine, sharp needles to the specific areas of the body intending to promote energy flow. Acupuncture is considered to stimulate the natural pain-relieving compounds of the body. As per a report from the National Institutes of Health, acupuncture has been proven to mitigate the frequency and severity of headaches.

Appropriate Sleep

Lack of sleep can be one of the major causes of severe headaches. Yes, just knowing isn’t but taking appropriate sleep is essential to be healthy and keep the headache pain. You must commit to a proper sleeping schedule. Follow early to bed and early to rise philosophy.

For this to be possible, you should avoid stimulants before going to bed. Stimulants, for instance, nicotine, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and the like are more likely to keep youtube at night with trips to the bedrooms.

Consider choosing a relaxing activity before you go to bed. Avoid watching television or computer screens rather treat yourself to a good book, or a hot batch. Although it may sound a bit outdated, a little bit of relaxation tends to go a long way for appropriate sleeping.


Dehydration may also be one of the causes of headache. So, consider drinking the appropriate amount of water. That’s because the body is made mostly of liquid, when you lose more than consumption, the body may get dehydrated. That’s what causes the tissues in your body like the brain to shrink, putting pressure on nerves and causing headaches.

You can simply maintain hydration by drinking fluids. Apart from water, take sports drinks that help you restore electrolytes or an oral rehydration powder mixed with water. This remedy is essential especially when the headache pain has got you thrown up, quickly leading to dehydration.


When suffering from a headache, everything seems meaningless. That’s because of its severity, and extremely unbearable pain. Thanks to remedies like hot & cold therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and many others that help you relieve headache pain. In this article, we’ve conducted a detailed assessment of these remedies. So, leverage them, and get rid of headache pain!

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