How to Reduce Back Pain by Office Chair?

How to Reduce Back Pain by Office Chair?

Do you want to know how to relieve back pain from sitting in an office chair? For those who sit for prolonged periods, getting back pain is obvious. In this article, we’re going to explore and let you know how to treat back pain in no time!

Cause of Back Pain by Office Chair

If you sit on one office chair for a prolonged period, it may cause low back pain or if you have existing pain, doing so can worsen the same. The key reason behind this is, sitting in an office chair in a static posture that promotes the stress in your shoulder, back, arms, and legs. It can add an increased amount of pressure to the spinal disc and back muscle.

The natural tendency for the majority of people while they sit on the office chair is that they slouch down and slouch over. This posture can overstretch the spinal ligaments and strain the discs as well as the surroundings of the spine. As time passes by, this kind of incorrect sitting posture is more likely to cause damage to the spinal structures and worsen the back pain.

Guidelines for Office Chair Setup

In most offices, there are ergonomic chairs that, when used in the right manner, enhance back support, maintaining good posture while sitting. Having an ergonomic chair is beneficial however, merely owning it is not enough. Yes, you need to adjust the office chair in the proportion of your body posture in order to maximize comfort and minimize aggravation to the spine.

Set up the Office Chair at the Desired Height

First off, consider establishing the desired height of your desk or workstation. You can make this decision according to the work to be done or the height of the person working at the very workstation. Both the height of the desk and workstation can differ up to a large extent and may require various positioning of the office chair, or different types of chair altogether.

Once you’ve situated the workstation, you can adjust the office chair as per your physical proportion. Find a comprehensive list of guidelines below to help you ensure the office chairs in your work area are as comfortable as they should be and cause the least amount of stress and inconvenience to the spine.

If you’ve already got pain in your back, buying a Spine / Multipurpose Pain Relief Herbal Hot & Cold Therapy Pack can be the right alternative to treat it.

Thigh Measure

First off, consider checking that you’re able to easily slide your fingers under your thigh at the leading edge of the office chair. In case you find it too tight, prop your feet up using an adjustable footrest. For someone who is unusually tall, and there is more than a finger width between the thigh and the chair, he/she should raise the work surface or desk. It helps you raise the height of your office chair with ease and convenience.

Elbow Measure

Get started by sitting as close to your desk as possible so that you keep your upper arm parallel to your spine. After that, rest your hands on the work surface such as the computer, or desktop keyboard. In case your elbows aren’t at a 90-degree angle, consider adjusting the height either up or down. By doing so, you can keep the chances of injuries at bay.

Calf Measure

Keep your bottom pushed against the chair back and try to pass your clenched between the back of your calf and the front of the very office chair you’re sitting. In case you aren’t able to do that, it means the chair is too deep. You should consider adjusting the backrest of the chair forward and inserting a low back support like a pillow, rolled-up towel, or lumbar support cushion, or you can get a new office chair.

Low Back Support

Keep your bottom pressed against the back of the office chair, and also keep a cushion that can help your lower back to arch slightly, preventing you from slumping forward or slouching down in the chair when you get tired over time. The low back support in the chair is crucial to lessen the load on your back. You should never slump or slouch forward when sitting on the office chair. That’s because it places additional stress on the structures in the lower back, and specifically on the lumbar discs.

Rest Eye Level

Now close your eyes while sitting with your head facing forward comfortably. Open your eyes slowly. Consider keeping your gaze aimed at the center of your computer screen. In case your computer’s screen is lower or higher than your gaze, you should either raise or lower it to minimize strain on the upper spine.


Last but not least. You should adjust the armrest of the office chair in a way that it just slightly lifts your arm at the shoulders. Make use of an armrest of your office chair, as it helps you take the strain off your shoulder and upper spine, and makes you less likely to slouch forward when you sit on the chair.

Conclusion: How to Reduce Back Pain?

That’s all about the answers to the question “How to relieve back pain from sitting in an office chair?” In this guide, we discussed many ways to reduce the possibility of back pain caused by the office chair. If you’re unaffected you can use these methodologies, but if you’ve already been affected, you can consider buying the Multipurpose Pain Relief Flexible Long Herbal Hot & Cold Therapy Pack to get well soon timelessly.

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